Jackson Pollock
The Early Years: 1934-1947
Jackson Pollock and his gestural paintings are icons of abstract expressionism. His groundbreaking works evolved from a period of experimentation during which Pollock drew upon influences from Native American art, Mexican muralists, and the European avant-garde—most notably from Picasso. With an illustrated chronology and extensive bibliography, this catalog reveals the artistic and intellectual development of one of the greatest American artists.
- Livres d'art - Langue anglaise
- Paru le 22/11/2024
- Genre : Musées et expositions
- 208 pages - 192 x 274 mm
- Relié
- EAN : 9782080467294
- ISBN : 9782080467294
- Librairies indépendantes
- Librairie Delamain
- Librairie Dialogues
- Librairie Gallimard
- Librairie Hall du livre
- Librairie Kléber
- Librairie Le Divan
- Librairie Mollat
- Librairie Ombres Blanches
- Libraire de Paris
- Librairie Sauramps
- Site Cultura.com
- Site Decitre
- Site fnac.com
- Site Amazon
- E.Leclerc